
Apr' 18


122 Prospect Lefferts Tour


Prospect Lefferts Garden

Leafy tree lined streets and landmarked townhomes.  PLG offers a lot more townhouse styles than your garden variety Park Slope Neo-Grec brownstones or row houses.  Barrel front, Queen Ann, Beaux-Arts or Tudor, definitely no shortage of options.  Our client bought this 18 feet lime stone beauty, with bowed out windows in both the front and the back.  Decorative molding and sliding wooden doors everywhere dividing up the parlor. It'll be fun to decide which walls to remove to keep...


Measuring the House

First assignment you get when a new client hires you (not me, Rebuild) for the renovation job is to measure the house and draw the basic floor plans. I used the opportunity to take these before photos


Parlor Living Room

Look at the historical details. parquet flooring, wood paneling, vintage wallpaper, decorative plasters and moldings....where do I start and how do we preserve them, I guess that is the question?


Parlor Fireplace

Gigantic fireplace completely intact! Comes with a pair of Victorian style vintage lamps.


Parlor Front Windows

The house is north facing, so the front windows don't get much sun exposure.  But at lease the backyard will be plenty sunny for some tanning sessions.


Stairs to the Second Floor

Heavy wood paneled staircase. Looks probably better in 16th century church than a modern home.  This will be a tough center piece to renovate around...


Back Section of the Parlor

Much brighter than the front section and the soaring ceiling offers so much potential.  The heaving double sliding doors however, could be an obstacle in turning this historical gem into a contemporary open floor parlor


Hidden Powder Room

Not your friend's fancy mom's powder room for sure



Stairway to.....

This masterpiece deserves another look.  Since it'll be the focal point of the house just because where it is located and how massive the structure is.  We can either highlight it in the design process or try to introduce some lightness to it....really on the fence for this one


Midsection with Red Carpets

The problem is really the turn.  The heavy wood railings and the elevated platform really makes the stairs seems like an altar. Who wants to be reminded of church at home?


Wood Paneling

Another look of the wood paneling.  Maybe by lifting the carpets and expose the wood stairs underneath, it could offset the heaviness? And that wallpaper will have to go.

